Evan Ho
AboutMe Works Skills Laboratory Education Experience Hobbies
Evan Ho

About Me
Hello! I'm Evan Ho, a master's student at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) in Taiwan. I major in Computer Science and am part of the Computer Vision Lab. My research focuses on image anomaly detection. I'm currently participating in an exchange program at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. I’m excited to continue learning and exploring new opportunities in the field.

This is a self introduction made in 2018 using BootStrap, OpenLayers, Font Awesome and Chart.js.

Conference Paper
  • Lin, S. C., Lee, H. W., Hsieh, Y. H., Ho, C. Y., & Lai, S. H. (2023). Masked Attention ConvNeXt Unet with Multi-Synthesis Dynamic Weighting for Anomaly Detection and Localization[LINK]
  • Hsieh, C.-M., Ho, C.-Y., Kung, H.-K., Chan, H.-Y., Tsai, M.-H. and Tsai, Y.-C. (2020). Track Similarity-based Typhoon Search Engine for Disaster Preparedness. 2020 Proceedings of the 37th ISARC, Kitakyushu, Japan. October 27-29. doi:10.22260/ISARC2020/0188[LINK]
  • 2nd Place in MultiSports Challenge, ECCV 2022 DeeperAction Challenge and Workshop on Detailed Video Action Understanding and Anomaly Recognition[LINK]
Journal Paper
  • Kung, H.-K. , Hsieh, C.-M., Ho, C.-Y., Tsai, Y.-C. Tsai, M.-H., Chan, H.-Y. (2021) DataAugmented Hybrid Named Entity Recognition for Disaster Management by Transfer Learning, Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Appl. Sci. 2020, xx, 5; doi:10.3390/appxx010005[LINK]
  • Tsai, M.-H., Chan, H.-Y., Hsieh, C.-M., Ho, C.-Y., Kung, H.-K., Tsai, Y.-C. and Cho, I.-C. (2019). Historical Typhoon Search Engine Based on Track Similarity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(24), 4879. doi:10.3390/ijerph16244879[LINK]
  • Tsai, M. H., Chan, H. Y., & Liu, L. Y. (2020). Conversation-Based School Building Inspection Support System. Applied Sciences, 10(11), 3739.[LINK]
  • Chana, H. Y., Liua, L. Y., & Tsaia, M. H. (2019). A Conversation-based System for School Building Inspections. In ISARC. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (Vol. 36, pp. 194-200). IAARC Publications.[LINK]
  • D3.js Crossfilter Practice [LINK]
  • D3.js Line Chart Practice [LINK]
  • D3.js Line Chart Practice 2 [LINK]
  • D3.js Line Chart Practice 3 [LINK]
  • Openlayers Practice [LINK]


Computer Vision

  • Taking Advanced Computer Vision Course in NTHU (A)
  • Building Deep Learning Models in Pytorch
  • Critical Thinking, Model/Module/Hyperparameters Adjustment

Image Anomaly Detection

  • Reasearch Topic in Master Program
  • Knowing Domain Knowledge
  • Thesis: Multi-instance Anomaly Detection

Comoputer Graphics

  • Taking Advanced Computer Graphics Course in NTHU (A+)
  • Shader, Lighting Skills, OpenGL Programming


  • OpenLayers ─ Interactive Map
  • Dashboard ─ Data Visualization

R Programming

  • Data Analysis
  • Data Process, EDA
  • Text Mining


  • Spatial Analysis
  • Web Application Developing


  • Programming Foundation
  • Data Structure, Algorithm
  • Socket Programming


  • Shapefile Process
  • Geographical Manipulation


  • Window application building.
  • Object Oriented System Programming



2022 April. ~ 2025 Jan.

Peculab, NTU

2018 Sep. ~ 2022 Jan.


2018 Sep. ~ 2022 Jan.

experience Education
2025 2021 2017

experience Experience

Digital Painting
I like to try different style of painting!
Happy Knitting! Still learning!
My favorite one ,
especially Fingerstyle.
Idol:  Sungha Jung
Life is Music!